
Beware of email hackers and fake B-Pro impersonation emails

Our promise is to deliver you a safe and secure import process. Care is still always needed to ensure you don’t fall for any of the latest tricks that scammers are using. Lately, we’ve heard of a couple cases of scammers posing as agents of B-Pro Auto JDM Imports.


The most important way to protect yourself:

Only respond to our official email accounts:
brian@b-pro.ca, info@b-pro.ca and b.pro.rhd@gmail.com

Do NOT reply to fake emails, like:


Email Scams

Scammers will use bots to hack easy email passwords, and scan through your emails for electronic purchases. They try to hijack sales by sending you emails from fake email accounts that look like ours (like brian@b-pro.us or other domains like .en or .ru etc. – NOT an official email account). They will try and tell you to transfer money to them by wire transfer, which is irreversible once complete.

If you ever have questions, before sending money give us a call or text at the number on the website:


This type of scam is increasingly common, and scammers pretend to be many companies with similar email addresses. Be careful for every purchase you make and every company you deal with. Not just us!


Related Scams

By email or phone, scammers may try to convince you that there has been a logistical change and they need money sent to them. You might be someone we have brokered a car in for, or you could be a third party like a car dealership who is being contacted to trade something listed on our website for something you have in stock.

Again, only communicate with the emails and phone number on our website.


Other ways to protect yourself

Ensure you have a strong password unique to your primary email and change it fairly often. Additionally, enable two-factor authentication for your email if you can. If you are curious if your email has been part of a data breach and possibly compromised, check it out here:


A password manager reduces the need to remember unique passwords for each website that requires one, and can easily accommodate two-factor authentication with text messages or even fingerprint scans. Some popular ones include Lastpass and 1password.


If you think you are the target of a scam

Let us know immediately. Send an email or call to our primary official channels:

brian@b-pro.ca, info@b-pro.ca or by phone at 403-481-1065

If you are in Canada, you should also contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud centre:


Or visit the USA.gov website if you are in the United States of America:


We have stringent security protocols to ensure our emails are secure, and to ensure the connection between our website and your computer is secure, and to protect the privacy of your information.

Our goal is ensuring a seamless transaction where you get the best quality JDM car for the lowest price. Stay safe out there!

Brian Stephenson
B-Pro Auto JDM Imports[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

contact us

We would be happy to import a JDM vehicle for you! Please contact us to discuss the details of importing from Japan to Canada with B-Pro Auto, or to ask any other questions you may have! We would love to start the conversation with you.

Phone: 403-481-1065

Email: brian@b-pro.ca info@b-pro.ca b.pro.rhd@gmail.com